05-05-2013 - 斯洛伐克天文鐘 "和" Kysucká 森林鐵路
Slovak Astronomical Clock "n" Kysucká Forest Railway
當提到在歐洲的天文鐘, 很多人只知道布拉格,捷克共和國有天文鐘。
~ ~ ~ Stará Bystrica - 舊比斯特里察 ~ ~ ~
Stará Bystrica is the home to the world's youngest astronomical clock,
completed in 2009
~ ~ ~ 斯洛伐克天文鐘 - Slovak Astronomical Clock ~ ~ ~
Slovak Astronomical Clock is in Stará Bystrica
This astronomical clock was built in the municipality; it was completed in 2009.
開車到這裡的地址: Stará Bystrica, 023 04, Stará Bystrica
街道名是同的鎮名相同的, 只需要跟著中心開車
How to get here?
Location: Stará Bystrica, 023 04, Stará Bystrica
Street name is same as the town name, follow the center direction
The astronomical clock has the shape of a stylized form of Our Lady of Sorrows,
patron of Slovakia; it has been described as the largest wooden statue of Slovakia
市委辦公樓 - Municipal office building
一間小酒館 - A bistro
奧特洛堡壘 “n” 小學 - Outlaw bastion "n" Primary school
街头雕像 - Street Statue
天使長米迦勒教堂 - Michael the Archangel Church
教堂內部..但今天沒有開放 - Church interior..Not open today!!!
走過教堂會看到: 水井 - A well
休息區 - resting area
記念哪一年發生事件,打印在地板上的牌匾 -
A plaque printed on the floor used for memory of the events in which year
在這個廣場有許多牌匾在地板上 - Many plaques on the floor in this plaza
~ ~ ~ 新比斯特里察 - Nová Bystrica - Vychylovka ~ ~ ~
在當地部分Vychylovka, 更遠距離的東北約4公里,
遊客可以發現一些有趣的景點: Kysuce村博物館和Kysucká 森林鐵路
In the local part Vychylovka, around 4 km further north-east,
tourists can find some interesting attractions:
Múzeum kysuckej dediny and Kysucká Forest Railway
從 Stará Bystrica 到 Vychylovka (near Nová Bystrica),可以看到這個時鐘
~ ~ ~ Kysuce村博物館-Múzeum kysuckej dediny ~ ~ ~
Kysuce村博物館是露天博物館也是乘 Kysucká 森林鐵路
Múzeum kysuckej dediny is an open-air museum and also for Kysucká Forest Railway. Open-air museum was founded 11 October 1974 (the cornerstone was laid), one of the main reasons for its creation was the construction of the dam Nová Bystrica. His first task was to save Indeed monuments of folk architecture from the villages Riečnica and Harvelka
從 Stará Bystrica 到 Vychylovka (near Nová Bystrica) 不太遠,
20分鐘車程, 13.8 km
開車到這裡的地址: 49.382104,19.095388
It is not too far from Stará Bystrica to Vychylovka (near Nová Bystrica),
20 minutes drive, 13.8 km
The location: 49.382104,19.095388
看到這樣的照片先知道參觀這博物館要付錢 , 我們沒有買任何門票, 反正沒有人查票....
Just found out from this photo, we have to purchase tickets to visit this museum .
We did not purchase any tickets for the museum, anyway no one check tickets...
19世紀Zborova Bystricou教堂 - Chapel of Zborova Bystricou of the 19th century
民間建築古蹟 - monuments of folk architecture
木椅和桌子野餐使用的 - For picnic??? :)
穀倉 - Barn from "DO POTOKA" settlement
不知道它是什麼 - Don't know what it is???
~ ~ ~ Kysucká 森林鐵路 - Kysucká Forest Railway ~ ~ ~
Historical Logging Switchback Railway = Kysucká Forest Railway
The Historical Logging Switchback Railway in Vychylovka (near Nová Bystrica, Slovakia) is preserved section technically most interesting part of the former narrow-gauge zig zag logging railway located in Kysuce
孩子們會很高興坐在這列火車上 - children will be very happy on this train :)
這是Zastávka Skanzen火車站 -在這裡上火車
Zastávka Skanzen railway station - to get on the train
在這個小房子購買車票 - Purchased tickets in this small house
列車時刻表 - Train timetable
火車票 - Train tickets €4.00/adult
這個博物館是太大了, 我們都累了!!!