魯容貝羅克 -
Ružomberok -
It gave me the feelings of countryside or village
It has a small village....Vlkolínec...has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site
It is also my husband's hometown
我的媽媽來歐洲旅遊, 所以把她帶到我的丈夫家鄉看看....
Town hall of Ružomberok - 魯容貝羅克市政廳
The Roman Catholic Church of St. Andrew - 羅馬天主教會的聖安德魯
Town center - 市中心
Hotel Kultúra - established in the 1920s - 這酒店 - 成立於20世紀
~ ~ ~ Vlkolínec ~ ~ ~
Vlkolínec has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993,
and is one of ten Slovak villages that have been given the status of a folk architecture reservations.
~ ~ ~ Koliba ~ ~ ~
舊時代, Koliba, 用於牧羊人住的小屋...
In the old time, Koliba is a small house for shepherd staying
今時今日, Koliba, 是一個旅遊的地方....參觀這個地方,它是免費的
Nowaday, Koliba is for tourist.... It is free of charge to visit this place
Koliba SUV....
在夏天, 這個村子裡的人會來這裡煮家鄉特產....Goulash...
In summer, people from this town will come here cooking their speciality...Goulash...
černovské pirohy Furmanské halušky
černovské pirohy: Sheep cheese (bryndza) dumplings with roasted onion and mint
Furmanské halušky : Gnocchi with sheep cheese (bryndza) and homemade sausage
這Koliba有餐廳, 你可以試試斯洛伐克菜 -
In Koliba restaurant, you can try Slovakia dish....
~ ~ ~ Ružomberok-Malinô Brdo - Ski Park ~ ~ ~
這個滑雪場是非常方便, 它離市中心並不遠,在火車站有滑雪巴士乘坐...
Ružomberok ~~~~~~~ Thank You !!!