~ ~ ~ Čičmany ~ ~ ~
它被稱為第一個民間建築在世界保留 (成立於1977年)。
It is known as the first folk architecture reserve in the world (founded in 1977).
The first preserved reference to the village dates from 1272.
After a great fire in 1921, the village was restored to its original appearance with generous contributions by the state.
在途中有標牌 - There are signs on the way
可愛的設計 - cute design
旅遊諮詢中心 - TIC
所有的房子被繪 - all the houses are painted
餓了??? 可以在這裡吃 - Hungry??? can eat here
從Čičmany 到 Slovak Bethlehem 只有15分鐘車程,12km
From Čičmany to Slovak Bethlehem, only 15 minutes drive, 12km
在歐洲最大的刻伯利,用木頭做的,是在Rajecka Lesna的.
The largest carved Bethlehem in Europe, made of wood, is in Rajecka Lesna. The Bethlehem, in an area with a length of 8.5 metres and width of 3 metres, there are hundreds of figures symbolising life, culture, crafts and the way of life of the Slovak nation.
從谷歌借來的照片 - borrowed photo from google
我們沒有去看斯洛伐克伯利恆 ,因為我們的寶寶生病了,總有一天一個理由回去的
We did not go to see the slovak bethlehem because our baby is sick
there is always a day and a reason to go back